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Capo 3

Capo 3



类型: 音乐 版本: 3.5 兼容系统: OS X 10.11+ 软件语言: 英语 软件大小: 39.9MB 更新日期:

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无论为世界还是自己演奏,每个音乐家都需要有对好耳朵,来聆听和声、旋律和节奏。 Capo 使用你自己的音乐收藏中的歌曲来猜测其节拍、和弦和调性,帮助你将乐曲一一分解。 Capo 的独特技术帮助您快速学习最爱的歌曲,也能逐步提高耳朵的辨音能力。

Capo 既简单又实用,专业人士也在用:

“Capo 太棒了!!! 非常适合我。 它能轻松识别那些我通常很难听出来的混合旋律。 别的应用播放时会有丢失音质的问题,但 Capo 就不会这样。”

- Omar Edwards,曾为 Jay-Z、Rihanna、Kanye West、Eminem 等知名音乐人服务的键盘手/音乐指挥

“当我第一次使用 Capo 时,就被这个小小应用的全面功能圈粉了!” 它直观、方便、高质。” - Rebecca Lovell,Larkin Poe 乐队主唱、电吉他、原声吉他、曼陀林、钢琴乐手

(访问 capoapp.com/testimonials 了解更多)

*** 聆听歌曲 ***

放慢速度,聆听每一个音符,轻松创建循环播放区域,帮助你学习弹奏较难掌握的段落。 使用 Capo 的工具分离特定乐器,甚至还能分离歌曲任意部分中的人声。 只需简单操作几下,即可将钢琴部分分离出来,去除其他音域,开始练习吉他独奏。

*** 智能分解 ***

Capo 能自动猜测歌曲的节拍、和弦和调性,让你立即上手使用。 只需简单轻点即可更改、添加或移除检测到的和弦,从而做出调整。

*** 保存进度 ***

Capo 将每首歌曲都保存为工程文件,记录你设置的循环区域、和弦变更和回放位置等信息。 按自己的节奏学习歌曲,通过 iCloud 同步功能在任何设备上随时打开工程文件继续使用。

*** 更多精彩 ***

* 将歌曲转为其他调性

* 重命名区域方便管理

* 使用六线谱视图快速了解独奏和旋律

* 节拍位置检测自动估算节奏并自动贴合选定区域

* 单独或批量编辑和弦

* 支持吉他、班卓琴、曼陀林、尤克里里、贝斯和钢琴的和弦图谱

* 左撇子也能玩! Capo 提供左手和弦指法图

* 五种不同的节拍器声音


* 无限播放时间

* 自动检测整首歌曲的和弦

* 所有当前功能



New Features:

• Song Views—Switch between Practice & Tabbing

Capo now shows you what’s most important depending on what you’re currently doing. While listening and practicing, the waveform is front & center with quick and easy region creation. When tabbing out a song, the spectrogram is there to help you pick out notes, and dive deeper into the performance. Use the popup button in the window's title bar to change Song Views, or use the command-1 or command-2 keyboard shortcuts.

• Transcription Playhead

Locks the playhead in place, re-starting playback from the same point until you move the playhead elsewhere.

• Touch Bar Support

Quickly navigate around the song using the waveform overview scrubber, and access common playback controls. You can even customize the Touch Bar to include the controls you use most often.

• Markers are BACK!

Lots of you really miss the markers from earlier releases, so we brought them back! Hit the ‘M’ key to drop a marker, or use the button in the toolbar.


• Improved Loop / Region behavior

To loop a region, just click to select it, and hit play! No more confusing loop toggle to worry about. Regions can now also be modified while they’re looping, and when a region is selected, using the left/right arrow keys will move between the regions in the song.

• Highly Improved Scrubbing

We put together a nifty new bit of code for this release that lets you scrub over your track and “hold” a note frozen in time as you drag the playhead. To engage scrubbing, click & drag the playhead around the timeline. This feature is especially helpful to identify individual notes and find where they start while you’re tabbing out a song using the spectrogram.

• Show & Hide the Chords, Tablature

If you’d prefer to not see them, or you’re short on screen space, you can toggle the Chords and Tablature notation in either of the Practice or Tabbing views. This is great for those that want a “bare-bones” Capo experience, and those with the golden ears!

• Full-Screen Support:

Capo now supports full-screen mode. Finally!

Bug Fixes:

• Fixed an issue that caused file exports to fail in some circumstances.
• Capo no longer consumes excessive memory when loading and closing many documents over time.
• The discrete, high-performance GPU is no longer enabled by Capo, and thus battery life should be greatly extended while using Capo with Macs that are equipped with discrete GPUs.

If you're enjoying Capo, please show us some love by leaving a review in the App Store! And don't be shy—use the support link to let us know how we can make Capo even better for you, *especially* if you have any questions or concerns while using it. We're listening, and read *all* our incoming support mail!



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